

Libby allows you to check-out and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines directly to your computer or portable device. Patrons may have 10 titles checked out at one time. Items are holdable and renewable.


Hoopla allows you to check out and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines as well as music, movies, and TV shows directly to your computer or portable device. ​Hoopla is both easy to use and never has waiting lists for any item. Patrons can check out up to four titles each month.


Kanopy allows you to check out movies, documentaries, and TV shows to stream from home or on your portable device. ​Kanopy is both easy to use and never has waiting lists for any item. Cardholders receive five checkouts in the form of credits per month plus two Great Courses credits per month. Children's credits are unlimited.