Friends of the North Shore Library

About the Friends 

The Friends of North Shore Library are a 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to support provide invaluable volunteer and financial support to the North Shore Library. Their ongoing book sales support the funding of many important library services including programming and material purchases.

Some of the projects the Friends have supported include: our popular Lucky Day Collection, our Summer Library Program for all ages, our circulating and in-house digitization kits, and our Explore Passes.

Friends of the Library Newsletters

Get Involved


The Friends are always in need of like new or gently used books. Drop off donations at the Circulation Desk. Please no magazines, text books, encyclopedias, Reader's Digest condensed or VHS. If you need assistance carrying your items into the Library, please ask at the Circulation Desk.

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering with the Friends? Please leave your name and phone number at the Circulation Desk.

Book Sales

Check out the Friends’ Book Sales next time you are in the library. Not only do they always have fiction and nonfiction items available for all ages they run monthly themed specials. Unless otherwise marked, hardcover books are $2.00, paperbacks are $1.00, and children's books are $0.25.

Their BIG sale is held in the the spring and fall. Dates for any upcoming sales are listed on our Events Page.

Join the Friends

Consider joining the Friends and help support the North Shore Library. Membership forms are available at the Circulation Desk or fill out the form below.